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10 Questions with Theresa Huston, COO

Written by: Theresa Huston

(Chief Operating Officer)

Employee Voices

Name: Theresa Huston

Title: Chief Operating Officer

Hometown: Burbank, California

Office Location: Los Angeles

Start Date: 11/2005

Q1: What is your earliest memory of working for Telescope?

A1: Framing the first Guinness Book of World Records certificate for American Idol (we have 8 world records for voting).

Q2: What do you like most about your job?

A2: The people I work with!

Q3: What was your first job?

A3: Does babysitting count? My first job in the real world was at a clothing store in Glendale Galleria.

Q4: What did you want to be when you grew up?

A4: A mom

Q5: If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would purchase?

A5: A row of houses so my daughters and grandchildren could live next door to me & my husband.

Q6: What’s your favorite song right now?

A6: Is That Alright? – Lady Gaga

Q7: What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

A7: Spend the day at the beach with my family playing in the water, beach games…really anything that involves quality time together.

Q8: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

A8: Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions!

Q9: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

A9: Teleportation, so I can get rid of the annoying part of vacation… getting there!

Q10: What app or piece of tech can’t you live without?

A10: Easy - my iPhone, it’s how my family and Telescope family constantly contact me!