Social hub with multi-channel Q&A and live content-to-air moderation
Telescope partnered with Intel to launch our Sociable Q&A product for the TBS show, American’s Greatest Makers. Each week, Intel hosted an online live Q&A with a different judge or talent from the show. Fans submitted questions via the online application or via Twitter using the hashtag #AskGreatestMakers
To further drive social interaction around the show, Producers used Telescope’s Connect platform to moderate Tweets and Facebook comments, and displayed approved content on-air during the weekly live broadcast of the show.
Sociable Q&A: Fans visited the show website or Tweeted #AskGreatestMakers to submit their questions for the featured guest. The application included a timer which counted down to the next live Q&A session. Questions were submitted both in advance and live during the Q&A and guests answered in real-time.
Content-to-air: Telescope’s Connect platform pulled in Facebook and Twitter comments which producers moderated. Approved comments were pushed to air during live shows, using the platform’s Chyron integration.
Sociable Q&A: Multi-channel Q&A session for real-time engagement between viewers and show talent
Content-to-air: Tweets and Facebook comments around the show were curated and displayed on-air during live episodes.