With the launch of Cars.com's yearly "Best Of" Awards, Cars.com turned to their fans to vote for their favorite cars through Telescope's Category Vote.
Cars.com's annual "Best Of" awards showcases the best of the best cars across various categories with the goal to help individuals easily select the best cars that fits their needs. In addition to their "Best Of" award sweepstakes, Cars.com wanted to take fan engagement up a notch from the previous year by tying in Telescope's interactive Category Vote. Across 6 different categories, fans and car enthusiasts could vote on their personal favorite cars all while entering Cars.com's sweeps for a chance to take home one of their award-winning cars.
The 6 categories fans could vote in included: Best Electric Vehicle, Best Luxury Car, Best Value Car, Best Family Car, Best Pickup Truck and Best of The Year. All fans had to do to enter the sweeps was to head over to Cars.com's sweeps site, watch a short video (brief info of the nominated cars) on each category page, and vote for their personal favorite car.
Throughout the campaign duration, fans had the chance to enter up to 6 times by voting + watching the videos and then an additional entry per category just by sharing their vote to socials via Facebook or Twitter.
Post-campaign, a randomly selected sweeps winner received one of Cars.com’s award-winning cars just by participating!
Category Vote : a fun vote method where fans could vote across various categories and voice their opinions on their favorite cars
Sweepstakes: Incentivized and rewarded participants who voted and watched the videos for each category throughout the duration of the campaign