Crayola Creativity Week Live Stream with Polling

Crayola's action-packed 7-day program, Creativity Week, incorporated a Virtual Assembly live stream with real-time polling to engage classrooms nationwide.

creativity week in virtual event hub


To inspire and unlock children's imaginations all while celebrating their innate creative mindsets, Crayola kicked off "Creativity Week", a free program for schools and homes around the world. Within their week-long program, Crayola wanted to engage students in real-time through a nationwide Virtual Assembly and turned to Telescope to power their live stream production, streaming, user generated content and live polling. Classrooms across the country had an opportunity to tune in to a fun live stream featuring celebrity guests, view other student's creativity and artwork through a cascading Social Wall and engage in real-time polling.

 Creativity Week Social Wall
 Creativity Week live stream poll
 live stream guest max greenfield


Prior to the start of Crayola's "Creativity Week", Telescope set out to Crayola Experience in Easton, PA for a full in-person production of the live stream.

Post production and editing, on the 5th day of "Creativity Week", Telescope streamed the live event simultaneously to the custom Crayola-branded site aka our Virtual Event Hub as well as to Crayola's Facebook and YouTube pages. As classrooms and schools nationwide tuned in, viewers were presented with our cascading Social Wall that showcased student artwork that were shared via Instagram and Twitter utilizing the hashtag #CrayolaCreativityWeek. The Social Wall also incorporated a 10-minute countdown to the Virtual Assembly to ensure teachers and students did not miss the main event.

Once the live stream began, they had the ability to answer real-time polls directly below the live stream and see the percentages of each answer fluctuate depending on other student's responses. Results were then shown as an on-air graphic for all to see.


Full Production : Crayola's Creativity Week live stream utilized Telescope's full production services for a seamless and high-quality live stream.

Live Stream with Polling : Utilizing Telescope's Triple Play product, students everywhere had the chance to answer fun polls as they watched the live stream, keeping them entertained and focused throughout.

Social Wall with countdown: a unique way that counted down to the main event all while featuring the best of the best artwork from students nationwide.

Custom on-air graphics: live stream graphics and poll results that mirrored Crayola branding were shown on air throughout the stream.