Dancing With the Stars Passion Meter

ABC's Dancing with the Stars puts the power into America's hands by utilizing our Passion Meter play-along product to crown winners of the live dance offs.


simon sasha nancy artem passion meter


Dancing with the Stars turned to Telescope for an elevated and innovative way to engage their massive fan base like never before. Utilizing our Passion Meter product, at-home fans had the ability to become judges themselves, and choose their favorite duo during each live competitive dance off. To enhance the experience, real-time results were showcased on a 30 foot backdrop LED screen behind the dancers, easily visible for America to see which couple was in the lead.

couples dancing with passion meter background
laurie val and calvin lindsay passion meter
passion meter results on air


Our Passion Meter play-along experience was easily accessible on ABC's landing page. While watching the live show, Dancing with the Stars viewers were presented with a series head-to-head competing couples, in which fans tapped (passionately, of course) for who they believed should be crowned the winner of the dance off. The more viewers tapped, the more the meter swayed towards the winning dancing duo. As America made their choices, the Passion Meter results were displayed on a massive LED backdrop as well as meters on the dance floor, enhancing visualization and interactivity among fans in-studio and at-home everywhere.

couples dance off and passion meter page


  • Passion Meter: Gave America a unique way to engage and help produce the outcome of the winner of live dance offs

  • LED screen backdrop: Enhanced visualization of the entire dance floor and showcased real-time Passion Meter results to capture the attentions of fans everywhere

  • Graphics and animation powered by Telescope

  • Match ups were revealed live in the show for real-time results, creating immediate pay off and reward for participating fans