It's a Wonderful Lifetime Holiday Games

With the goal of driving live tune-in to Lifetime holiday movies, Lifetime and A+E Networks engaged their audience all month long with Telescope's gamification and sweepstakes services.

IAWL holiday games activation mobile


Following the success of the campaign, 'It's a Wonderful Lifetime BINGO Night' the past two holiday seasons, Lifetime wanted to take engagement further this holiday by not only increasing the number of gamification and sweepstakes elements but also creating a destination hub where all things "It's a Wonderful Lifetime" interactivity lived. Utilizing our Virtual Event Hub, Telescope built an immersive 'It's a Wonderful Lifetime Holiday Games' hub filled with variations of our play along products including Scratcher, BINGO, and Leaderboard to engage, reward and spread joy to Lifetime fans everywhere throughout the holiday season!

 Lifetime bingo
 Lifetime Advent Calendar
 Lifetime Leaderboard


'It's a Wonderful Lifetime Holiday Games' was accessible to anyone who visited the hub destination link. Upon entering, users were asked to register via their email address. The landing page featured a promo video of the activations, a full Lifetime movie schedule, countdown to each BINGO game, along with additional pages via header that directed users to each activation.

'It's a Wonderful Lifetime Bingo Night': While tuning in to a Lifetime holiday movie in real-time, viewers had the ability to play along via customized BINGO in which each traditional number was replaced with movie moments unique to the specific film. With each game there was one winner, in addition to a grand prize giveaway for anyone who played BINGO at any time throughout the weeks.

'30 Days of Merry Giveaways': Starting November 26, fans counted down to Christmas via digital holiday Advent Calendar. Playing along was simple - users returned each day to the Advent Calendar and scratched away with their mouse or finger on screen, revealing if they had won or lost. There was a winner each day, totaling 30 winners.

Leaderboard: Users had the ability to rack up some points through various ways within the hub including signing up to register, playing 'It's a Wonderful Lifetime Bingo Night' or '30 Days of Merry Giveaways', or sharing their game results to socials. The more users engaged, the more points they were rewarded in which the top 100 point earners were featured on the Leaderboard.

advent calendar scratching mobile


  • Virtual Event Hub : a custom hub built by Telescope that held all things 'It's a Wonderful Lifetime' which enabled easy access to activations for users to play along each day

  • BINGO : a fun method to drive tune-in to various Lifetime films and simultaneously play along to a game of BINGO for a chance to win prizes

  • Scratcher : '30 Days of Merry Giveaways' Advent Calendar utilized our Scratcher product that enabled users to engage in a digital advent calendar and reveal prizes by simply "scratching" away via finger or mouse on screen

  • Top 100 Leaderboard : encouraged fans to keep playing along and increased engagement within the hub by featuring top point earners via Leaderboard for all to see

  • Sweepstakes prizing with each BINGO game and Advent Calendar day rewarded and incentivized users to keep playing along throughout the entire duration of the campaign