SG Digital GamesFest 2020

An online, invite-only event to support SG Digital's annual conference for VIP customers which included two days of live streaming, play along applications, live Q&A sessions and much more hosted on a password protected virtual events hub.

landing page and chat


Each year, gaming specialist SG Digital holds a two-day conference in the south of France for their prized customers. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, SG Digital abandoned their in-person event and turned to Telescope to transform their event virtually. Telescope hosted a live two-day hybrid virtual conference for more than 50 attendees of SG Digital's key customers where they were able to engage in breakout rooms, take our fun InQuizator personality quiz, submit questions for keynote speakers, and answer real-time interactive polls & trivia throughout the six hours of live streaming.

Inquizator personality quiz
virtual gamesfest live stream and chat


SG Digital GamesFest broke out in two phases with the first occurring before the two-day virtual conference. To kick off this virtual event, phase one allowed delegates to fill out a fun InQuizator quiz that determined their "lockdown personality" which organized them into groups. In phase two the live hybrid virtual conference took place where contributors dialed in from around the world to participate in various panels and presentations. The Q&A element enabled delegates to ask any impending questions via chat box and received answers from the keynote speakers. All throughout the conference, live Triple Play polls popped up beneath the conference video where delegates were able to watch and play along to some trivia simultaneously.

chat, virtual live stream, and triple play poll


  • VIP exclusive conference that required a coded access

  • Enhanced engagement with real-time polling and question submissions

  • Hybrid live stream involving studio location and delegates' homes

  • Breakout rooms with networking events and icebreaker activities