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Capture audiences’ attention with digital autographs from their favorite stars.

Autograph Application with Laura Dern's autograph and background image of other autographed images


Create a Facebook or Twitter post, ask fans to comment, and let your talent send autographs to fans of their choosing

  • Load up to four image options into the app and enter the branded colors for autographing 

  • Post on the featured Facebook page or Twitter profile with a CTA to comment for a digital autograph

  • From an iPad or tablet, load the app and choose fans’ comments to reply to

  • Have talent pick the image, address the fan with an autograph, and submit

  • See the autographed image appear as a reply to the fan within the comments on Facebook or as a Tweet

Red carpet autograph on Facebook live at the Oscars


Give fans a chance to earn an autograph for interacting with a brand or talent on social media

  • Fans feel like they have direct access to the talent

  • Garners high engagement on a tune-in or promo post

  • Incentives fans with the potential pay-off for participating 

  • Natively grow the conversation by encouraging fans to share the post

Jason Derulo answering questions live on Facebook and responding to comments with his autogrpahs

Let’s create something great together.

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