Custom Play-Along Hub

A play-along hub centralizes your fanbase in one location in order to offer a variety of experiences to best utilize the user’s involvement and impact with the brand while maximizing retention and return visits.

Kids Choice Sports Awards with Easy Meme, Standard Vote and Fan Feed


A “hub” can be a clear play-along experience that compliments a live show or event or a destination that points the fan to supplementary experiences between main events to keep the fan engaged and enthused during “down” time.

  • Create a custom branded “hub” that centralizes your fans with play-along engagement and impactful content.  

  • Offer exclusive and unique user experiences to fully engage the fans.

  • Create multiple opportunities for data collection, organic social sharing and remarketing opportunities.

  • Great opportunities for sponsorship takeovers and tie-ins.

Masked Singer Hub with Fan Feed and prepopulated tweets


By creating a destination play-along hub for your show, team or brand, you create an evergreen go-to destination to keep your fans engaged during, between or well beyond an event, airing or game. 

  • With regular reminders and call to action, a user can find the hub to be their go to location for updates, news, content or prizing.

  • Once engaged, a player is highly likely to return over and over again should the content remain relevant and fresh.

  • Returning users, regularly engaged and active with the brand, are highly likely to remain involved with a brand or show well beyond the life of an individual campaign.

  • Users become fans, fans become advocates, advocates become free marketers within social platforms.

The Mindy Project Custom Hub with uPic and Fan Feed