American Music Awards Vote (ABC)

Multiple category online and social vote with custom sponsor integration

Online voting page


Telescope has powered online and social voting for the American Music Awards for consecutive years, creating a multiple category voting experience while incorporating sponsor branding into our Category Vote product. This custom sponsor branding included a microsite feature for individually sponsored voting categories that could be directly linked to or iframed in special locations.

In addition, we created custom artist pages for all nominees - where fans could vote for one specific artist that was nominated in multiple categories. This enhanced the user experience by making it easier for fans to vote in all categories for a particular artist in one place. On the other hand, the various methods of voting amplified the opportunities for fans to vote for their favorite artists conveniently and seamlessly year after year.

Online AMA voting categories
Online voting page with artists
Vote confirmation page


Fans visited the AMA website to vote for their favorite artists in multiple voting categories using email, Facebook or Twitter login and with the introduction of custom artist pages, fans could visit the artist’s page URL to see all of the categories for which the artist was nominated, and vote on any number of those categories. Each artist page also included a link to download digital swag so fans could share their love for their favorite nominee. Fans could also vote on Facebook and Twitter using hashtags and keywords for their favorite nominees.

With the rise of the TikTok platform, TikTok was added to the mix of voting methods. Once on the TikTok app, music lovers everywhere simply searched "amas" into the search bar and was directed to the AMAs voting page where they had the ability to vote for their favorite artists once a day per category leading up to the live awards show.

Google vote, Twitter vote, and online vote pages


Online voting: 

  • Link to download digital swag so fans could share their love for their favorite nominee.

  • Votes could be shared across social media driving wider social amplification.

  • Ads were integrated throughout the main page and all categories – as well as one breakout sponsored category (New Artist of the Year) 

Hashtag Voting

  • Twitter users voted on their favorite nominees using a combination of category and nominee keywords.

  • Facebook users voted using a combination of category and nominee keywords.

  • Kept users within the native social platforms.

TikTok Voting

  • leveraged the millions of users that uses the TikTok platform

  • users had the ability to conveniently scroll through their feed and vote all in one native app

  • drove further fan engagement and tune-in to the live show