American Ninja Warrior Jr. Play-Along Experiences

Social hub microsite with Passion Meter, fantasy league and sweepstakes

image of the passion meter, fantasy league and sweepstakes


Universal Kids came to Telescope to create a second screen experience for their hit TV show American Ninja Warrior Junior. Together we launched an interactive go-to fan hub that allowed fans to engage with other viewers by using Telescope's Passion Meter , Fantasy League and Sweepstakes products.

Pop up on Fantasy League
Challenge text of one handed save option


Telescope teamed with Universal Kids to launch the American Ninja Warrior Junior’s Play-Along Experiences, which ran along side every episode of the season. Viewers were asked to play along whether it be before hand by making their Fantasy League picks for that upcoming week's show or via the Passion Meter while watching the show by answering questions and giving their opinions to the actual events happening on air.

Fantasy League & Leaderboard: Users were asked to pick a lineup of who they believe will earn them the most points based on that week's criteria (i.e. a "one handed save" or "does a backflip") for the Fantasy League in hopes of getting their screen name on the top 100 Leaderboard. Users could then watch ANWJ to see how many points their picks accomplished based on the tasks during the show. Mondays the leaderboard is pushed live with that week's top earners and users can see if they got their screen name made it on the board. Each week is a new opportunity to earn more points and perhaps finally be showcased on the leaderboard.

Passion Meter: ANWJ’s “Live Vote” aka Telescope's Passion Meter allows the fans at home while watching to play along and vote on an assortment of questions Universal Kids asks their viewers associated with the show or what is happening in the episode. To create a feeling of notoriety and impact for viewers, Universal Kids pushed the results on-air throughout the episodes.


Fantasy League Landing page and contestant picking page


  • Passion Meter Product

  • Fantasy League with Leaderboard Product

  • Sweepstakes Form (for the parents)

  • On-Air integration

  • Customized to adhere to COPPA compliance making sure there are no barriers for viewers of all ages to participate


  • In keeping with COPPA compliance, no tracking was included in the campaign.

  • However, online chatter and overall fan appreciation of the play along applications have made it clear it is a welcomed and celebrated addition to the ANWJ experience.

Passion Meter active poll question image overlaid over show visual