Online & Facebook Messenger vote for annual awards ceremony
For the past three years for CNN’s Hero of the Year, an annual awards ceremony that honors ordinary people who do extraordinary work for their community, Telescope built an easily accessible voting system that allowed participants to engage on multiple platforms. The campaign was released in two phases, with the second phase featuring Young Wonder of the Year.
Participants were able to vote for their favorite everyday heroes via Telescope's Standard Vote product iframed in the CNN website and via Facebook Messenger by messaging 'vote' to CNN Heroes. The Facebook Messenger experience kept users within the Facebook platform and presented users with a carousel of contestants to vote for. Votes were limited to 30 votes per day and could be distributed across multiple recipients.
Email login limited to 30 votes per day
Standard vote allowed for a turnkey solution iframed into
Users were able to see info and a video about each contestant before they chose who to vote for
Facebook Messenger:
Kept the user within the Facebook platform
Easy and simple to use vote on the social media medium that has an average of over 2 billion active users daily
Through Messenger, fans were also able to find out more about their Heroes and connect directly with the CNN News Team.
The vote resulted in a ton of attention and engagement to the CNN Heroes page. The Facebook post announcing the winner went viral with over 73,400 shares and 3.3 million video views.
Best in News & Media - CNN Heroes: Real-Time Messenger Vote and Multi-Platform Campaign