FaZe Clan Custom 3D Globe and Creator Feed

In the search for the next FaZe Clan creator, Telescope custom built a live 3D globe visualization and creator feed for the FaZe1 recruitment challenge.


faze1 globe


Each year, creators from all around the world participate in FaZe Clan's FaZe1 recruitment challenge for an opportunity to get signed as a new member of their roster. This year FaZe Clan wanted to elevate the engagement and visualization elements to their challenge and turned to Telescope to custom build a 3D live globe visualization featured on their FaZe1 site as well as a Creator Feed that enabled users to easily search and get further information on specific creators seamlessly.

 faze1 custom globe
 faze globe and heat map city
 faze creator search


When fans registered to enter the recruitment challenge on the FaZe1 site, the registrant's location data was sent to Telescope via the API which populated data onto the globe in real-time. This 3D globe utilized a heat map-style visualization where locations with higher numbers of registered users were more red, and locations with lower number of registered users were yellow. Users could also click on a map location to view the city name and country, and the number registered from that location.

Additionally, users could search for a specific creator via the Creator Feed, in which users were presented with the flag of the creator's country as well as a link to their 'voucher' aka profile page. The Creator Feed had the ability to be sorted alphabetically or by newest submissions to navigate seamlessly.

faze tweet and mobile creator search


  • 3D Globe Visualization: a unique custom method that gave fans and registrants a visual representation of exactly where and how many registrants were located across the globe.

  • Creator Feed: enabled users to easily and seamlessly search for specific creators and get further information including the flag of their country, and a link to their 'voucher' aka profile page.