Fan-driven multi-category voting across online & social platforms with additional UGC experiences.
Partnering with the iHeart Radio awards for seven years in a row, Telescope created a multi-platform category voting experience along with a UGC Meme Generator and Upic selfie generator to amplify fan participation and create social media buzz around the awards.
Online Voting:
Users voted by visiting the website and casting their votes across multiple categories.
Voters were automatically entered into a sweepstakes.
As an added feature for the “Social Star” category, voters could cast additional votes simply by sharing their vote on Facebook and Twitter.
Hashtag Voting: Users voted across Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using specific hashtags in their posts along with the nominee name.
Meme Generator: After voting for “Most Meme-able Moment” fans created their own memes to share across social, l and view other fan memes in a digital gallery.
uPic: To enhance the voting experience, fans uploaded a picture and selected their favorite artist for “Best Fan Army’. They cast their vote by sharing the personalized selfie across social media.
Online category vote: Voting platform allowed users to vote across any number of the categories by using an email or Facebook login.
Vote to share: Online voters could cast additional votes for the “Social Star” category simply by sharing their vote on social media.
Hashtag vote: Fans tweeted their vote by using a specific hashtag and the nominee name in their tweets.
Meme Generator: After voting for the “Most Meme-able Moment” category, fans could use the same meme images that were up for vote to create and share their own memes.
uPic Selfie Uploader: The “Best Fan Army” category had an added feature where voters could generate a selfie with their favorite star.
The campaign generated a lot of social buzz: #BestFanArmy was trending world-wide within hours of the vote opening (2016).
Best of Hashtag - #BestFanArmy iHeartRadio Awards
Live Events - iHeartRadio Music Awards
Live Events – iHeartRadio Music Awards
Live Events - iHeartRadio Music Awards
Best of Hashtag - #BestFanArmy iHeartRadio Awards
Live Events - iHeartRadio Music Awards
Live Events - iHeartRadio Music Awards
Twitter, Online Community - iHeartRadio Best Fan Army Award
Live Events – iHeartRadio Music Awards