Run a vote on your desired social platforms. Fans can tweet, post a message with their voting using the promoted voting hashtag and contestant keyword, or utilize an easy access custom built extension vote.
Calls to action will encourage fans to submit votes by posting on social media using hashtags and/or keywords to designate the vote choice.
Post a message from your social handle
Include the promoted voting hashtag and keyword options
See how other fans are voting by searching the voting hashtag
Social voting helps the vote gain attention on social media and creates social chatter around your voting campaign
Using a voting hashtag can help the event hashtag trends and spread awareness of the campaign
Social Voting can increase your brand’s presence on social media and help you gain followers
Talent related to the campaign can promote the vote to their fan base of followers
Since the voting is happening in a social space, your friends can see your votes and join in
Fans can tag their friends in their social posts to encourage others to vote