Spartan Race: Final Series Event

Spartan Race hosted their series events in various locations and streamed to Facebook Watch to drive audience participation with the help from Telescope’s real-time engagement products.

spartan kids world championship in nevada


Spartan Race hosted a series of obstacle events across the globe that catered to individual men and women, teams, and even kids. The multiple events were streamed to Facebook Watch where viewers at home had the ability to seamlessly tune in and engage in real time. Spartan Race leveraged Telescope’s Content to Air and real time engagement tools to draw in the audience while encouraging them to tune in to each event.

hosts talking before the event
 hashtag poll hardest obstacle
 viewer comment displayed on live stream


Viewers at home were able to comfortably tune in to the Spartan Race live stream on Facebook Watch. The audience had the ability to comment their thoughts or opinions anytime throughout the event, in which a handful of comments were then selected to be displayed on air through Telescope's Content to Air. Additionally, Telescope’s Live Studio was utilized to further engage the viewers by providing real time poll questions throughout the stream.

comment to air and hashtag poll


  • Content to air: Gave viewers the ability for their questions to be answered and voices to be heard. Selected comments were displayed on air with graphics customized to Spartan's brand.

  • Hashtag Poll: Poll questions were asked throughout the stream where it gave viewers an opportunity to engage and vote in real time.