The Great American Read Vote

Multi-channel voting to determine America’s favorite book

PBS Promo calling to help choose America's Favorite Book


Telescope worked with PBS and Storythings to bring bookworms the 2018 Great American Read Vote. Voters could choose from multiple voting platforms through various stages of the voting window: Online, SMS and Toll-free as well as Facebook and Twitter.

the great american read poster art
Diana Galbaldon tweet for Outlander vote
covers of many books up for vote


Users in both the US and Canada visited the PBS website or cast votes on Facebook and Twitter using the official hashtags to start voting for their favorite books.

Voting began after the premiere of the first episode where the top 100 books up for vote were revealed. Voting ran for several weeks to determine America’s favorite book and voters could cast their votes online, across social media, by dialing in to toll-free, or by texting the book title to the designated short code.

Results were shared over the limited series with the winning book, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, being announced live on the final episode.

Online vote for Alice in Wonderland and Twitter vote for The Notebook


  • Online vote: Voters visited the PBS webpage to select their favorite book and used Facebook or email login to submit their vote

  • SMS vote: Voters texted the keyword for their selection to a short code

  • Facebook vote: Voters could vote via hashtag and book title

  • Twitter vote: Twitter users tweeted the official show hashtag and the title of their favorite book